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The Green Book |
The Social Basis of The Third Universal Theory |
Social Basis of the Third Universal Theory
People Will Prevail in the World
Horsemanship and the Stage
The social factor, the national factor, is
the dynamic force of human history. The social bond, which binds together human
communities from the family through the tribe to the nation, is the basis for
the movement of history.
Heroes in history are, by definition, those
who have sacrificed for causes. But what causes? They sacrificed for the sake
of others, but which others? They are those with whom they maintain a
relationship. Therefore, the relationship between an individual and a group is
a social one that governs the people's dealings amongst themselves.
Nationalism, then, is the base upon which one nation emerges. Social causes are
therefore national, and the national relationship is a social one. The social
relationship is derived from society, i.e., the relationship among members of
one nation. The social relationship is, therefore, a national relationship and
the national is a social relationship. Even if small in number, communities or
groups form one nation regardless of the individual relationship amongst its
members. What is meant here by a community is that which is permanent because
of the common national ties that govern it.
Historic movements are mass movements, i.e.,
the movement of one group in its own interests differentiated from the
interests of other communities. These differentiations indicate the social
characteristics that bind a community together. Mass movements are independent
movements to assert the identity of a group conquered or oppressed by another
The struggle for authority happens within the
group itself down to the level of the family, as was explained in Part 1 of THE GREEN BOOK: The Political Axis of the Third Universal Theory. A group
movement is a nation's movement for its own interests. By virtue of its
national structure, each group has common social needs which must be
collectively satisfied. These needs are in no way individualistic; they are
collective needs, rights, demands, or objectives of a nation which are linked
by a single ethos. That is why these movements are called national movements.
Contemporary national liberation movements are themselves social movements;
they will not come to an end before every group is liberated from the
domination of another group. The world is now passing through one of the
regular cycles of the movement of history, namely, the social struggle in
support of nationalism.
In the world of man, this is as much a
historical reality as it is a social reality. That means that the national
struggle - the social struggle - is the basis of the movement of history. It is
stronger than all other factors since it is in the nature of the human group;
it is in the nature of the nation; it is the nature of life itself. Other
animals, apart from man, live in groups. Indeed, just as the community is the
basis for the survival of all groups within the animal kingdom, so nationalism
is the basis for the survival of nations.
Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are
subject to ruin. Minorities, which are one of the main political problems in
the world, are the outcome. They are nations whose nationalism has been
destroyed and which are thus torn apart. The social factor is, therefore, a
factor of life - a factor of survival. It is the nation's innate momentum for
Nationalism in the human world and group
instinct in the animal kingdom are like gravity in the domain of material and
celestial bodies. If the sun lost its gravity, its gasses would explode and its
unity would no longer exist. Accordingly, unity is the basis for survival. The
factor of unity in any group is a social factor; in man's case, nationalism.
For this reason, human communities struggle for their own national unity, the
basis for their survival.
The national factor, the social bond, works
automatically to impel a nation towards survival, in the same way that the
gravity of an object works to keep it as one mass surrounding its centre. The
dissolution and dispersion of atoms in an atomic bomb are the result of the
explosion of the nucleus, which is the focus of gravitation for the particles
around it. When the factor of unity in those component systems is destroyed and
gravity is lost, every atom is separately dispersed. This is the nature of
matter. It is an established natural law. To disregard it or to go against it
is damaging to life. Similarly, man's life is damaged when he begins to
disregard nationalism - the social factor - for it is the gravity of the group,
the secret of its survival. Only the religious factor is a rival to the social
factor in influencing the unity of a group. The religious factor may divide the
national group or unite groups with different nationalisms; however, the social
factor will eventually triumph. This has been the case throughout the ages.
Historically, each nation had a religion. This was harmonious. Eventually, however,
differences arose which became a genuine cause of conflict and instability in
the lives of people throughout the ages.
A sound rule is that each nation should have
a religion. For it to be otherwise is abnormal. Such an abnormality creates an
unsound situation which becomes a real cause for disputes within one national
group. There is no other solution but to be harmonious with the natural rule,
i.e., each nation has a single religion. When the social factor is compatible
with the religious factor, harmony prevails and the life of communities becomes
stable, strong, and develops soundly.
Marriage is a process that can positively or
negatively influence the social factor. Though, on a natural basis of freedom,
both man and woman are free to accept whom they want and reject whom they do
not want, marriage within a group, by its very nature, strengthens its unity
and brings about collective growth in conformity with the social factor.
To the individual, the family is more
important than the state. Mankind acknowledges the individual as a human being,
and the individual acknowledges the family, which is his cradle, his origin,
and his social umbrella. According to the law of nature, the human race is the
individual and the family, but not the state. The human race has neither
relations nor anything else to do with the state, which is an artificial
political, economic, and sometimes military, system. The family is like a
plant, with branches, stems, leaves and blossoms. Cultivating nature into farms
and gardens is an artificial process that has no relevance to the plant itself.
The fact that certain political, economic or military factors tie a number of
families into one state does not necessarily link this system or its
organization with humanity. Similarly, any situation, position or proceeding
that results in the dispersion, decline or loss of the family is inhuman,
unnatural and oppressive, analogous to any procedure, measure or action that
destroys a plant and its branches and withers its leaves and blossoms.
Societies in which
the existence and unity of the family become threatened due to any
circumstance, are similar to fields whose plants experience uprooting, drought,
fire, weathering or death. The blossoming garden or field is one whose plants
grow, blossom and pollinate naturally. The same holds true of human societies.
The flourishing society is that in which the individual grows naturally within
the family and the family within society. The individual is linked to the
larger family of humankind like a leaf is to a branch or a branch to a tree.
They have no value or life if they are separated. The same holds true for
individuals if they are separated from their families - the individual without
a family has no value or social life. If human society reaches the stage where
the individual lives without a family, it would then become a society of
tramps, without roots, like artificial plants.
A tribe is a family which has grown as a
result of procreation. It follows that a tribe is an enlarged family.
Similarly, a nation is a tribe which has grown through procreation. The nation,
then, is an enlarged tribe. The world is a nation which has been diversified
into various nations. The world, then, is an enlarged nation. The relationship which
binds the family also binds the tribe, the nation, and the world. However, it
weakens with the increase in number. The essence of humanity is that of nation,
the essence of nation is that of the tribe, and the essence of the tribe is
that of family. The degree of warmth involved in the relationship decreases
proportionately with the increase in size of the social unit. This is an
indisputable social fact denied only by those who are ignorant of it.
The social bond, cohesiveness, unity,
intimacy and love are stronger at the family level than at the tribal level,
stronger at the tribal level than that of the nation, and stronger at the level
of the nation than that of the world.
Advantages, privileges, values and ideals
based on social bonds exist where those bonds are natural and undoubtedly
strong. They are stronger at the family level than at the level of the tribe,
stronger at the tribal level than that of the nation, and stronger at the
nation's level than that of the world. Thus, these social bonds, benefits,
advantages and ideals associated with them are lost wherever the family, the tribe, the nation or humankind vanish or are
lost. It is, therefore, of great
importance for human society to maintain the cohesiveness of the family, the
tribe, the nation and the world in order to benefit from the advantages,
privileges, values and ideals yielded by the solidarity, cohesiveness, unity,
intimacy and love of family, tribe, nation and humanity.
In the social sense, the familial society is
better than that of the tribe, the tribal society is better than that of the
nation, and the society of the nation is better than world society with respect
to fellowship, affection, solidarity and benefits.
Since the tribe is a large family, it provides
its members with much the same material benefits and social advantages that the
family provides for its members, for the tribe is a secondary family. What must
be emphasized is that, in the context of the tribe, an individual might indulge
himself in an uncouth manner, something which he would not do within the
family. However, because of the smallness in size of the family, immediate
supervision is not exercised, unlike the tribe whose members continually feel
that they are under its supervision. In view of these considerations, the tribe
forms a behaviour pattern for its members, developing into a social education
which is better and more noble than any school
education. The tribe is a social school where its members are raised to absorb
the high ideals which develop into a behaviour pattern for life. These become
automatically rooted as the human being grows, unlike classroom education with
its curricula - formally dictated and gradually lost with the growth of the
individual. This is so because it is formal and compulsory and because the
individual is aware of the fact that it is dictated to him.
The tribe is a natural social
"umbrella" for social security. By virtue of social tribal
traditions, the tribe provides for its members collective protection in the
form of fines, revenge and defence; namely, social protection. Blood is the
prime factor in the formation of the tribe, but it is not the only one because
affiliation is also a factor in the formation of the tribe. With the passage of
time, the differences between the factors of blood and affiliation disappear,
leaving the tribe as one social and physical unit, though it remains
fundamentally a unit of blood in origin.
The nation is the individual's national
political "umbrella"; it is wider than the social
"umbrella" provided by the tribe to its members. Tribalism damages
nationalism because tribal allegiance weakens national loyalty and flourishes
at its expense. In the same way, loyalty to the family flourishes at the expense
of tribal loyalty and weakens it. National loyalty is essential to the nation
but, at the same time, it is a threat to humanity.
The nation in the world community is similar,
to the family in the tribe. The more the families of a tribe feud and become
fanatical, the more the tribe is threatened. The family is threatened when its
individual members feud and pursue only their personal interests. Similarly, if
the tribes of a nation quarrel and pursue only their own interests, then the
nation is undermined. National fanaticism expressed in the use of force against
weak nations, or national progress which is at the expense of other nations, is
evil and harmful to humanity. However, strong individuals who have self-respect
and are aware of their own individual responsibilities are important and useful
to the family, just as a strong and respectable family, which is aware of its
importance, is socially and materially beneficial to the tribe. Equally useful
to the whole world is a progressive, productive and civilized nation. The
national political structure is damaged when it descends to a lower social
level, namely, the family and tribe, and attempts to act in their manner and to
adopt their views.
The nation is an enlarged family which has
passed through the period of the tribe and through the diversification of
tribes that have branched out from one common source. It also includes those
members who affiliated themselves with its destiny. The family, likewise, grows
into a nation only after passing through the period of the tribe and its
diversification, as well as through the process of affiliation which comes
about as a result of interaction between various communities in a society.
Inevitably, this is achieved over a long period of time. Although the passage
of time creates new nations, it also helps to fragment old ones. Common origin
and common destiny, through affiliation, are the two historic bases for any
nation, though origin ranks first and affiliation second. A nation is not
defined only by origin, even though origin is its basis and beginning. In
addition to its origin, a nation is formed by human affiliations through the
course of history which induce a group of people to live in one area of land,
develop a common history, form one heritage, and face the same destiny. A
nation, irrespective of blood bond, is formed through a sense of belonging and
a shared destiny.
But why has the map of the earth witnessed
great nations that have disappeared to give way to the rise of other nations?
Is the reason only political, without any relationship to the social aspect of The Third Universal Theory? Or, is it social and so properly the concern of this part of THE GREEN BOOK?
Let us see. The family is indisputably a
social structure rather than a political one. The same applies to the tribe
because it is a family which has reproduced and enlarged itself to become many
families. Equally true, the nation is a tribe after it has grown and its
branches have multiplied and become tribes.
The nation is also a social structure whose
bond is nationalism; the tribe is a social structure whose bond is tribalism;
the family is a social structure whose bond is family ties; and global society
is a social structure whose bond is humanity. These facts are self-evident.
There is then the political structure of states which form the political map of
the world. But why does the map of the world keep changing from one age to the
next? The reason is that political structures may, or may not, be consistent
with social structures. When political structure and social
reality are congruent, as in the case of the nation-state, it lasts and does
not change. If a change is forced by external colonialism or internal
collapse, it reappears under the banner of national struggle, national revival
or national unity. When a political structure embraces more than one nation,
its map will be torn up by each nation, gaining independence under the banner
of its respective nationhood. Thus, the maps of the empires which the world has
witnessed have been torn up because they were composed of a number of nations.
When every nation clings strongly to its national identity and seeks
independence, political empires are torn up and their components revert to
their social origins. This is evidently clear through the history of the world
when reviewed through the ages.
But why were those empires made up of
different nations? The answer is that the state is not a social structure like
the family, the tribe and the nation, but, rather, a political entity created
by several factors, the simplest and foremost of which is nationalism. The
national state is the only political form which is consistent with the natural
social structure. Its existence lasts, unless it becomes subject to the tyranny
of another stronger nationalism or unless its political structure, as a state,
is affected by its social structure in the form of tribes, clans and families.
A political structure is corrupted if it becomes subservient to the sectarian
social structure of the family, tribe, or sect and adopts its characteristics.
Religious, economic and military factors also
contribute to form a state which differs from the basic, national state.
A common religion, as well as the
requirements of economics or military conquests, may create a state which
embraces several nations. Thus, in one age, the world witnesses a state or an
empire which will disintegrate in another age. When the spirit of nationalism
emerges stronger than religious loyalties, or conflict flares up between
different nationalisms which were brought together, for example, by one
religion, each nation becomes independent and recovers its social structure.
That empire, then, disappears. The role of religion resurfaces when the
religious spirit emerges stronger than the spirit of nationalism. Consequently,
the various nationalisms are unified under the banner of religion until the
national role appears once again, and so on.
All states which are composed of several
nationalities for whatever reason - religion, economics, military power or
man-made ideology will be destroyed by national conflict until each nation
obtains its independence, because the social factor will inevitably triumph
over the political factor.
Despite political circumstances which
necessitate the establishment of a state, the basis for the life of individuals
is the family, and extends to the tribe, the nation, and eventually to all
humanity. The essential factor is the social factor. Nationalism is a permanent
factor. Stress should be laid on social reality and family care in order to
bring up an integrated well-educated human. Care should then be given to the
tribe as a social "umbrella" and a natural social school which
develops its members at the post-family stage. The nation then follows. The
individual learns social values mainly from the family and the tribe which form
a natural social structure created by no particular individual. Taking care of
the family is in the interest of the individual just as the care of the tribe
is in the interest of the family, the individual and the nation; it is part of
the national identity. The social factor, the national factor, is the real
constant dynamic force behind history.
To disregard the national bond of human
communities and to establish a political system in contradiction to social
reality establishes only a temporary structure which will be destroyed by the
movement of the social factor of those groups, i.e., the national integrity and
dynamism of each community.
These facts are innate in the life of
humankind and are not intellectual conjectures. Every individual in the world
should be aware of these realities and work accordingly so that his actions may
be worthwhile. To avoid deviation, disorder and damage in the life of human
groups which are the result of a lack of understanding and respect for these
principles of human life, it is necessary to know these proven realities.
It is an undisputed fact that both man and
woman are human beings. It follows, as a self-evident fact, that woman and man
are equal as human beings. Discrimination against woman by man is a flagrant
act of oppression without justification for woman eats and drinks as man eats
and drinks; woman loves and hates as man loves and hates; woman thinks, learns
and comprehends as man thinks, learns and comprehends. Woman, like man, needs
shelter, clothing, and transportation; woman feels hunger and thirst as man
feels hunger and thirst; woman lives and dies as man lives and dies.
But why are there men and women? Human
society is composed neither of men alone nor of women alone. It is made up
naturally of men and women. Why were not only men created? Why were not only
women created? After all, what is the difference between men and women or man
and woman? Why was it necessary to create men and women? There must be a
natural necessity for the existence of man and woman, rather than man only or
woman only. It follows that neither of them is exactly like the other, and the
fact that a natural difference exists between men and women is proved by the
created existence of men and women. This necessarily means that there is a role
for each one of them corresponding to the difference between them. Accordingly,
there must be different prevailing conditions for each one in order that they
perform their naturally different roles. To comprehend these roles, we must
understand the difference in the created nature of man and woman, that is, the
natural difference between the two.
Women are females and men are males.
According to gynaecologists, women menstruate every month or so, while men,
being male, do not menstruate or suffer during the monthly period. A woman,
being a female, is naturally subject to monthly bleeding. When a woman does not
menstruate, she is pregnant. If she is pregnant, she becomes, due to pregnancy,
less active for about a year, which means that all her natural activities are
seriously reduced until she delivers her baby. When she delivers her baby or
has a miscarriage, she suffers puerperium, a condition attendant on delivery or
miscarriage. As man does not get pregnant, he is not liable to the conditions
which women, being female, suffer. Afterwards a woman may breast-feed the baby
she bore. Breast-feeding continues for about two years. Breastfeeding means
that a woman is so inseparable from her baby that her activity is seriously
reduced. She becomes directly responsible for another person whom she assists
in his or her biological functions; without this assistance that person would
die. The man, on the other hand, neither conceives nor breast-feeds. End of
gynaecological statement!
All these innate characteristics form
differences because of which men and women are not the same. These
characteristics in themselves are the realities that define male and female,
men and women; they assign to each of them a different role or function in
life. This means that men cannot replace women in carrying out these functions.
It is worthy of consideration that these biological functions are a heavy
burden, causing women great effort and suffering. However, without these
functions which women perform, human life would come to an end. It follows that
it is a natural function which is neither voluntary nor compulsory. It is an
essential function, without which human life would come to a complete halt.
Deliberate interventions against conception
form an alternative to human life. In addition to that, there exists partial
deliberate intervention against conception, as well as against breast-feeding.
All these are links in a chain of actions in contradiction to natural life,
which is tantamount to murder. For a woman to kill herself in order not to
conceive, deliver and breast-feed is within the realm of deliberate, artificial
interventions, in contradiction with the nature of life epitomized by marriage,
conception, breast-feeding, and maternity. They differ only in degree.
To dispense with the natural role of woman in
maternity - nurseries replacing mothers - is a start in dispensing with the
human society and transforming it into a merely biological society with an
artificial way of life. To separate children from their mothers and to cram
them into nurseries is a process by which they are transformed into something
very close to chicks, for nurseries are similar to poultry farms into which
chicks are crammed after they are hatched. Nothing else would be as appropriate
and suitable to the human being and his dignity as natural motherhood. Children should be raised by their mothers in a family where the true
principles of motherhood, fatherhood and comradeship of brothers and sisters
prevail, and not in an institution resembling a
poultry farm. Even poultry, like the rest of the members of the animal kingdom,
need motherhood as a natural phase. Therefore, breeding them on farms similar
to nurseries is against their natural growth. Even their meat is artificial
rather than natural. Meat from mechanized poultry farms is not tasty and may
not be nourishing because the chicks are not naturally bred and are not raised
in the protective shade of natural motherhood. The meat of wild birds is more
tasty and nourishing because they are naturally fed. As for children who have neither family nor shelter,
society is their guardian, and only for them, should society establish
nurseries and related institutions. It is better for them to be taken care of
by society rather than by individuals who are not their parents.
If a test were carried out
to discover whether the natural propensity of the child is towards its mother
or the nursery. the
child would opt for the mother and not the nursery. Since the natural tendency
of a child is towards its mother, she is the natural and proper person to give
the child the protection of nursing. Sending a child to a nursery in place of
its mother is coercive and oppressive and against its free and natural
Natural growth for all living things is free
and healthy growth. To substitute a nursery for a mother is coercive action
against free and sound growth. Children who are shipped off to a nursery are
consigned compulsorily or by exploitation and simple-mindedness. They are
driven to nurseries purely by materialistic, and not by social, considerations.
If coercion and childish simple-mindedness were removed, they would certainly
reject the nursery and cling to their mothers. The only justification for such
an unnatural and inhuman process is the fact that the woman is in a position
unsuitable to her nature, i.e., she is compelled to perform duties which are
unsocial and anti-motherhood.
A woman, whose created nature has assigned to
her a natural role different from that of man, must be in an appropriate
position to perform her natural role.
Motherhood is the female's function, not the male's. Consequently, it is unnatural to separate children
from their mothers. Any attempt to take children away from their mothers is
coercion, oppression and dictatorship. The mother who abandons her maternity
contradicts her natural role in life. She must be provided with her rights, and
with conditions which are non-coercive, unoppressive and appropriate to her
natural role. She can then fulfill her natural role under natural conditions.
If the woman is forced to abandon her natural role regarding conception and
maternity, she falls victim to coercion and tyranny. A
woman who needs work that renders her unable to perform her natural function is
not free and is compelled to work by need, and "in need, freedom is latent".
Among suitable and even essential conditions
which enable women to perform their natural role, which differs from that of
men, are those very conditions which are proper for a human being who is
incapacitated and burdened with pregnancy. Bearing another human being in her
womb lessens her physical ability. It is unjust to place such a woman, in this
stage of maternity, into circumstances of physical work incompatible with her
condition. For pregnant women to perform such physical work is tantamount to
punishment for their betrayal of their maternal role; it is the tax they pay
for entering the realm of men, which is naturally alien to their own.
The belief, even if it is held by a woman, that she carries out physical labour of her own accord,
is not, in fact, true. She performs the physical work only because a harsh
materialistic society has placed her (without her being directly aware of it)
into coercive circumstances. She has no alternative but to submit to the
conditions of that society, even though she may think that she works of her own
accord. In fact, the alleged basis that "there is no difference in any way
between men and women", deprives woman of her freedom.
The phrase "in any way" is a
monstrous deception. This idea will destroy the appropriate and necessary
conditions which constitute the privilege which women ought to enjoy apart from
men in accordance with their distinctive nature, and upon which their natural
role in life is based.
To demand equality between man and woman in
carrying heavy weights while the woman is pregnant is unjust and cruel. To
demand equality between them in fasting and hardship while she is breast-feeding
is unjust and cruel. To demand equality between them in any dirty work which
stains her beauty and detracts from her femininity is unjust and cruel.
Education that leads to work unsuitable for her nature is unjust and cruel as
There is no difference between men and women
in all that concerns humanity. None of them should marry the other against his
or her will, or divorce without a just trial or mutual agreement. Neither
should a woman remarry without such agreement or divorce; nor a man without
divorce or consent. The woman is the owner of the house because it is one of
the suitable and necessary conditions for a woman who menstruates, conceives,
and cares for her children. The female is the owner of the maternity shelter,
which is the house. Even in the animal world, which differs in many ways from
that of the humans, and where maternity is also a duty according to nature, it
is coercive to deprive the female of her shelter and the offspring of their
Woman is female. Being female means she has a
biological nature that is different from that of the male. The female's
biological nature, differing as it does from that of the males, has imparted to
women characteristics different from those of men in form and in essence. A
woman's anatomy is different from that of a man's just as the female differs in
plants and animals. This is a natural and incontrovertible fact. In the animal
and plant kingdoms, the male is naturally created strong and aggressive, while
the female is created beautiful and gentle. These are natural and eternal
characteristics innate to living creatures, whether they are called human
beings, animals or plants.
In view of his different nature and in line
with the laws of nature, the male has played the role of the strong and striving
not by design, but simply because he is created that way. The female has played
the role of the beautiful and the gentle involuntarily because she was created
so. This natural rule is just, partly because it is natural, and partly because
it is the basic rule for freedom. All living creatures are created free and any
interference with that freedom is coercion. Not to adhere to these natural
roles and to lack concern for their limits amounts to a wanton act of
corruption against the values of life itself. Nature has been designed to be in
harmony with the inevitability of life, from what is being to what will become.
The living creature is a being who inevitably lives
until it is dead. Existence between the beginning and the end of life is based
on a natural law, without choice or compulsion. It is natural. It is natural
In the animal, plant and human realms, there
must be a male and a female for life to occur from its beginning to its end.
Not only do they exist but they have to exercise, with absolute efficiency, the
natural role for which they have been created. If their role is not being
efficiently performed, there must be some defect in the organization of life
caused by historical circumstances. This is the case of societies almost everywhere
in the world today as they confuse the roles of men and women and endeavour to
transform women into men. In harmony with nature and its subsequent purpose,
men and women must be creative within their respective roles. To resist is
retrogressive; it is directed against nature and destroys the basis of freedom,
for it is hostile to both life and survival. Men and women must perform, not
abandon, the roles for which they are created.
Abandoning their role, or even a part of it,
only occurs as a result of coercive conditions and under abnormal
circumstances. The woman who rejects pregnancy, marriage, beautification and
femininity for reasons of health abandons her natural role in life under these
coercive conditions of ill health. The woman who rejects marriage, pregnancy or
motherhood because of work abandons her natural role under similar coercive
conditions. The woman who rejects marriage, pregnancy or maternity without any
concrete cause abandons her natural role as a result of a
coercive and morally deviant circumstances. Thus, abandoning the natural
roles of female and male in life can only occur under unnatural conditions
which are contrary to freedom and are a threat to survival. Consequently, there
must be a world revolution which puts an end to all materialistic conditions
hindering women from performing their natural role in life, and so drives them
to carry out men's duties in order to attain equal rights. Such revolution will
inevitably take place, particularly in industrial societies, as a response to
the instinct of survival, even without any instigator of revolution such as THE GREEN BOOK.
All societies today look
upon women as little more than commodities. The East regards her as a commodity
to be bought and sold, while the West does not recognize her femininity.
Driving woman to do man's work is a flagrant
aggression against the femininity with which she is naturally provided and
which defines a natural purpose essential to life. Man's work obscures woman's
beautiful features which are created for female roles. They are like blossoms
which are created to attract pollen and to produce seeds. If we did away with
the blossoms, the role of plants in life would come to an end. The natural
embellishment in butterflies and birds and animal females exists to that
natural vital purpose. If a woman carries out men's work, she risks being
transformed into a man, abandoning her role and her beauty. A woman has full
right to live without being forced to change into a man and to give up her
Physical structure, which is naturally
different in men and women, leads to differences in the functions of the
organs, which in turn leads to differences in the psyche, mood, emotions, as
well as in physical appearance. A woman is tender; a woman is pretty; a woman
weeps easily and is easily frightened. In general, women are gentle and men are
aggressive by virtue of their inbred nature.
To ignore natural differences between men and
women and to mix their roles is an absolutely uncivilized attitude, hostile to the
laws of nature, destructive to human life, and a genuine cause for the
wretchedness of human social life.
Modern industrial societies, which have made
women adapt to the same physical work as men at the expense of their femininity
and their natural role in terms of beauty, maternity and serenity, are
materialistic and uncivilized. To imitate them is as stupid as it is dangerous
to civilization and humanity.
The question, then, is not whether women
should or should not work, for this is a ridiculous materialistic presentation
of the case. Work should be provided by the society to all able members who
need work - men and women on the condition that individuals work in their own
fields and not be coerced into carrying out unsuitable work.
For children to find themselves under adult
working conditions is unjust and dictatorial. It is equally unjust and
dictatorial for women to find themselves under the working conditions of men.
Freedom means that every human being gets
proper education which qualifies him or her for the work which suits him or
her. Dictatorship means that human beings are taught that which is not suitable
for them, and are forced to do unsuitable work. Work which is appropriate to
men is not necessarily appropriate to women, and knowledge that is proper for
children does not necessarily suit adults.
There is no difference in human rights
between man and woman, the child and the adult, but there is no absolute identity
between them as regards their duties.
What is a minority? What are its rights and
responsibilities? How can the problem of minorities be solved according to the
solution to various human problems presented by The Third Universal Theory?
There are only two types of minorities. One
of them belongs to a nation which provides it with a social framework, while
the other has no nation and forms its own social framework. The latter is the
one that forms one of the historic groups which eventually constitute a nation
by virtue of a sense of belonging and a common destiny.
It is now clear that such a minority has its
own social rights. Any encroachment on these rights by any majority is an act
of injustice. Social characteristics are inherent and cannot be given or taken
away. The political and economic problems of minorities can only be solved
within a society controlled by the masses in whose hands power, wealth and arms
should be placed. To view the minority as a political and
economic substrata is dictatorial and unjust.
The latest age of slavery has been the
enslavement of Blacks by White people. The memory of this age will persist in
the thinking of Black people until they have vindicated themselves.
This tragic and historic event, the resulting
bitter feeling, and the yearning or the vindication of a whole race, constitute
a psychological motivation of Black people to vengeance and triumph that cannot
be disregarded. In addition, the inevitable cycle of social history, which
includes the Yellow people's domination of the world when it marched from Asia,
and the White people's carrying out a wide-ranging colonialist movement
covering all the continents of the world, is now giving way to the re-emergence
of Black people.
Black people are now in a very backward
social situation, but such backwardness works to bring about their numerical
superiority because their low standard of living has shielded them from methods
of birth control and family planning. Also, their old social traditions place
no limit on marriages, leading to their accelerated growth. The population of
other races has decreased because of birth control, restrictions on marriage,
and constant occupation in work, unlike the Blacks, who tend to be less
obsessive about work in a climate which is continuously hot.
Education, or learning, is not necessarily
that routinized curriculum and those classified subjects in textbooks which
youths are forced to learn during specified hours while sitting in rows of
desks. This type of education now prevailing all over the world is directed
against human freedom. State-controlled education, which governments boast of
whenever they are able to force it on their youths, is a method of suppressing
freedom. It is a compulsory obliteration of a human being's talent, as well as
a coercive directing of a human being's choices. It is an act of dictatorship
destructive of freedom because it deprives people of their free choice,
creativity and brilliance. To force a human being to learn according to a set
curriculum is a dictatorial act. To impose certain subjects upon people is also
a dictatorial act.
State-controlled and standardized education
is, in fact, a forced stultification of the masses. All governments which set
courses of education in terms of formal curricula and force people to learn
those courses coerce their citizens. All methods of education prevailing in the
world should be destroyed through a universal cultural revolution that frees
the human mind from curricula of fanaticism which dictate a process of
deliberate distortion of man's tastes, conceptual ability and mentality.
This does not mean that schools are to be
closed and that people should turn their backs on education, as it may seem to
superficial readers. On the contrary, it means. that
society should provide all types of education, giving people the chance to
choose freely any subjects they wish to learn. This requires a sufficient
number of schools for all types of education. Insufficient numbers of schools
restrict human freedom of choice, forcing them to learn only the subjects
available, while depriving them of the natural right to choose because of the
unavailability of other subjects. Societies which ban or monopolize knowledge
are reactionary societies which are biased towards ignorance and are hostile to
freedom. Societies which prohibit the teaching of religion are reactionary
societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to freedom. Societies which
monopolize religious education are reactionary societies, biased towards
ignorance and hostile to freedom. Equally so are the societies which distort
the religions, civilizations and behaviour of others in the process of teaching
those subjects. Societies which consider materialistic knowledge taboo are
likewise reactionary societies, biased towards ignorance and hostile to
freedom. Knowledge is a natural right of every human being of which no one has
the right to deprive him or her under any pretext, except in a case where a
person does something which deprives him or her of that right.
Ignorance will come to an end when everything
is presented as it actually is and when knowledge about everything is available
to each person in the manner that suits him or her.
Humans, being backward, are still unable to
speak one common language. Until this human aspiration is attained, which seems
impossible, the expression of joy and sorrow, of what is good and bad,
beautiful and ugly, comfortable and miserable, mortal and eternal, love and hatred,
the description of colours, sentiments, tastes and moods - all will be
expressed according to the language each person speaks spontaneously. Behaviour
itself will result from the reaction produced by the feeling that the language
creates in the speaker's mind.
Learning a single language, whatever it may
be, is not the solution for the time being. It is a problem that will
inevitably remain without solution until the process of the unification of
languages has passed through time, provided that the hereditary factor loses
its effect on subsequent generations through the passage of sufficient time.
The sentiment, taste and mood of ancestors form those of their descendants. If
those ancestors spoke different languages and their children, on the contrary, speak
a single language, the off-spring would not necessarily share common tastes in
virtue of speaking a common language. Such common tastes can be achieved only
when the new language imparts the taste and the sense transmitted by
inheritance from one generation to another.
If one group of people wears white clothes in
mourning and another group puts on black, the sentiment of each group will be
adjusted according to these two colours, i.e., one group rejects the black
colour on such an occasion while the other one prefers it, and vice versa. Such
a sentiment leaves its physical effect on the cells as well as on the genes in
the body. This adaptation, will be transmitted by
inheritance. The inheritors automatically reject the colour rejected by the
legator as a result of inheriting the sentiment of their legator. Consequently,
people are only harmonious with their own arts and heritage. They are not
harmonious with the arts of others because of heredity, even though those
people, who differ in heritage, speak a single common language.
Such a difference emerges between the groups
of one people, even if it is on a small scale.
To learn a single language is not the
problem, and to understand others' arts as a result of learning their language
is also not the problem. The problem is the impossibility of a real intuitional
adaptation to the language of others.
This will remain impossible until the effects
of heredity, which are transmitted in the human body, come to an end.
Mankind is still backward because humans do
not communicate in one inherited common language. It is only a matter of time
before mankind, achieves that goal, unless civilization should relapse.
Sport is either private, like the prayer
which one performs alone inside a closed room, or public, performed
collectively in open places, like the prayer which is practised corporately in
places of worship. The first type of sport concerns the individuals themselves,
while the second type is of concern to all people. It must be practised by all
and should not be left to anyone else to practise on their behalf. It is
unreasonable for crowds to enter places of worship just to view a person or a
group of people praying without taking part. It is equally unreasonable for
crowds to enter playgrounds and arenas to watch a player of a team without
participating themselves.
Sport is like praying, eating, and the
feelings of coolness and warmth. It is unlikely that crowds will enter a
restaurant just to look at a person or a group of people eat. It is also
unlikely that they will let a person or a group or people enjoy warmth or
ventilation on their behalf. It is equally illogical for the society to allow
an individual or a team to monopolize sports while the society as a whole pays
the costs of such a monopoly for the exclusive benefit of one person or team.
In the same way, people should not allow an individual or a group, whether it
is a party, class, sect, tribe or parliament, to replace them in deciding their
destiny and in defining their needs.
Private sport is of concern only to those who
practise it on their own and at their own expense. Public sport is a public
need and the people cannot be either democratically or physically represented
by others in its practice. Physically, the representative cannot transmit to
others how his body and morale benefit from sport. Democratically, no
individual or team has the right to monopolize sport, power, wealth or arms for
themselves. Sporting clubs represent the basic organization of traditional
sport in the world today. They retain all expenditure and public facilities
allocated to sport in every state. These institutions are social monopolistic
agencies like all dictatorial political instruments which monopolize authority,
economic instruments which monopolize wealth, and traditional military
instruments which monopolize arms. As the era of the masses does away with the
instruments monopolizing power, wealth and arms, it will, inevitably, destroy
the monopoly of social activity in such areas as sports, horsemanship, and so
forth. The masses who queue to vote for a candidate to represent them in
deciding their destiny act on the impossible assumption that this person will
represent them and embody, on their behalf, their dignity, sovereignty and
point of view. However, those masses who are robbed of
their will and dignity are reduced to mere spectators, watching another person
performing what they should naturally be doing themselves.
The same holds true of the crowds who,
because of ignorance, fail to practise sport by and for themselves. They are
fooled by monopolistic instruments which endeavour to stupefy them and divert
them to indulging in laughter and applause instead. Sport, as a social
activity, must be for the masses, just as power, wealth and arms should be in
the hands of the people.
Public sport is for all the masses. It is
right of all people for their health and recreational benefit. It is mere
stupidity to leave its benefits to certain individuals and teams who monopolize
these while the masses provide the facilities and pay the expenses for the
establishment of public sports. The thousands who crowd stadiums to view,
applaud and laugh are foolish people who have failed to carry out the activity
themselves. They line up lethargically in the stands of the sports grounds, and
applaud those heroes who wrest from them the initiative, dominate the field and
control the sport and, in so doing, exploit the facilities that the masses
provide. Originally, the public grandstands were designed to demarcate the
masses from the playing fields and grounds; to prevent the masses from having
access to the playing fields. When the masses march and play sport in the
centre of playing fields and open spaces, stadiums will be vacant and become
redundant. This will take place when the masses become aware of the fact; that
sport is a public activity which must be practised rather than watched. This is
more reasonable as an alternative than the present costum of a helpless
apathetic majority that merely watches.
Grandstands will disappear because no one
will be there to occupy them. Those who are unable to perform the roles of
heroism in life, who are ignorant of the events of history; who fall short of
envisaging the future, and who are not serious enough in their own lives, are
the trivial people who fill the seats of the theatres and cinemas to watch the
events of life in order to learn their course. They are like pupils who occupy
school desks because they are uneducated and also initially illiterate.
Those who direct the course of life for
themselves have no need to watch life working through actors on the stage or in
the cinema. Horsemen who hold the reins of their horses likewise have no seat
in the grandstands at the race course. If every person has a horse, no one will
be there to watch and applaud. The sitting spectators are only those who are
too helpless to perform this kind of activity because they are not horsemen.
Bedouin peoples show no interest in theatres
and shows because they are very serious and industrious. As they have created a
serious life, they ridicule acting. Bedouin societies also do not watch performers, but perform games and take part in joyful
ceremonies because they naturally recognize the need for these activities and
practise them spontaneously.
Boxing and wrestling are evidence that
mankind has not rid itself of all savage behaviour. Inevitably it will come to
an end when humanity ascends the ladder of civilization. Human sacrifice and
pistol duels were familiar practices in previous stages of human evolution.
However, those savage practices came to an end years ago. People
now laugh at themselves and regret such acts. This will be the fate of
boxing and wrestling after tens or hundreds of years. The more the people
become civilized and sophisticated, the more they are able to ward off both the
performance and the encouragement of these practices.
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